May 4, 2009

Local Clay from our family land

I know this does not look like much to you but it looks great to me, success from the first try at local dug clay from my family home site. All three clays were dug about 100 yards apart, fired cone 5/6.  All fired different colors from deep red to light brown/orange/cream.
The pinch pot was my favorite. It was the color of dark mustard before firing.
This is a test pinch cup of 50% porcelain with 50% local and rubbed black glaze for texture, fired cone 5/6. I will be trying this again with something much larger.


  1. Saw these on the shelf the other day & thought you might be pleased. I love seeing the results from your experiments, Max. And I hope you had a great birthday weekend!

  2. the last one is my favorite. how interesting! oh, and some pics of my pendants are on my blog.... I still need to take pics of the raku ones.
