Feb 25, 2009

Tuesday Teasures

My new glazed pieces from Tuesday night, all cone 5-6 on handbuilt porcelain.

Feb 5, 2009

New beads last night 50+ and these flats

Feb 2, 2009

New experiences in clay are now centered around my son who has requested my assistance in his fashion design business, at Will McLeod LLC. His design for the necklaces have 40-60 ceramic beads each.
Making ceramic beads is an interesting but time consuming task.  Each bead has three to six glazes and underglazes.

Well, this introduction is a start of something new for me. My interests outside of work (architecture) are in clay and photography.  Clay is ahead right now. Add Image

My interests are in organic and nature inspired clay craft. I have been making what I call light pots or luminaries , just forms for candles or electric lighted for table top or garden use.   

My photography is similar in interest but also very abstract. Taking everyday shots of commonplace and by macro views or editing making a new look.