Mar 30, 2010

New pieces fired and not.

Got this one back last week and liked the texture and colors, First I used a crackle glaze and with oxides. 2" slabs (4) of clay cut away to create the form. Cone 5

This one is slab built using my great new mallet by David Ulschmid with  Not fired yet, very thin side walls.
Porcelain cone 5 clay and banding wheel hand turned with rib to give very soft surface treatment (unusual for me.)


  1. wow, that first one looks like cone 10 and I mean that as a complement and love the surface treatment of the lower vase, great work.

  2. Wow! It came out great! I like the second one too, but definitely a departure for you. I find it's nice to punctuate work with something different.

  3. Thanks Linda.
    John, it keeps me just beyond my ability...makes me try harder.
